Welcome to the blog of Mary Brock Jones, SF author.

I also have a website, here

I write science fiction. Some dark, some not so dark. Some short, some longer, some very long. Some have a happy ending, others definitely not.

I also write NZ historical romance novels.They always end happily, even if the journey can get quite bumpy.

It's a nice mix.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Hi everyone. Welcome to my brand new blog. Here, I will be posting updates on my writing: the ups and downs, how the writing is going, rejections and (hopefully) publicatons.

What do I write - that depends on what mood I am in or how deeply into a project I am. Currently I am working on my 2nd NZ historical romance novel, set in the gold rush period in Otago, a rugged, remote and very harsh region of the South Island. The first draft of that is nearly finished, and if my main characters would just kindly stop finding new conflicts and ways to prevent themselves getting together, I can hopefully finish it in another chapter.

I also write science fiction - of the not so romantic variety. My short stories lately seem to include a lot of death: suicide, war, mass slaughter and quite a lot of misery. It's why I need the romance writing to balance it all. I have written an SF novel, rather too long for publication at 150,000 words. But it's my very special baby as it was the first full length book I ever wrote. I still think it's wonderful, even if no one wants to publish it ever. That started as an SF romance, but ended up as a political epic. The main characters sort of had a happy ending.

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