One week to go before this year's RWNZ conference. Can't wait. There is the Friday workshop by Randy Ingermanson, the 'snowflake guy'; I have two pitches, one with a NZ editor and one with a US agent. And I have to admit to looking forward to swanning around with a Clendon finalist rosette on. For one weekend, I get to be a sort of VIP. Small things, I know, but it's a memory I can bring out every time I read another rejection. Boo sucks to you, I can say to the next grotty rejection letter, in those days of feeling miserable after you get one, and before you pick yourself up, and say - onwards and upwards. Or something like that.
Plus there are all the other great workshops, including ones on rejections, ones on blogging, on new technology, a panel talking about their path to publication, and Randy Ingermanson's weekend workshops.
And I get to spend an entire weekend talking writing. So exciting.
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