Welcome to the blog of Mary Brock Jones, SF author.

I also have a website, here

I write science fiction. Some dark, some not so dark. Some short, some longer, some very long. Some have a happy ending, others definitely not.

I also write NZ historical romance novels.They always end happily, even if the journey can get quite bumpy.

It's a nice mix.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Clendon Reader's choice Award

I didn't win the RWNZ Clendon award that I finalled in, but I did co-win the Reader's Choice award, which was so cool. I now have a lovely trophy, a certificate and a whole basket of books. Very exciting, and I'm in good company - Nalini Singh is a past winner of the Clendon Reader's Choice award, so here's hoping I can have even a smidgeon of her publishing success.
The RWNZ conference has been exciting, and compelling this year. A great Friday workshop with Randy Ingermanson - my head is still fuzzy with all that has been packed in to it. All my pitches to agents and editors have so far resulted in requests to send in material - yay. The workshops have been very useful. But best of all is spending time with my fellow romance writers. A great bunch of (mostly) women - strong, opinionated, fascinating, diverse and fun. And tonight at dinner I also got to sit next to Birgit  Davis-Todd, senior editor for Harlequin/Mills and Boon in Toronto - a warm and lovely lady.

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