I made a writing plan at the start of the year, and like most such plans it has only been partially followed. But I am now only a couple of months behind where I planned to be, so I guess that's not too bad.
I am doing a couple of extramural lit papers this year, so that is slowing the actual writing somewhat.
The short script was entered into the Page Screenwriting contest - unsuccessfully. But it did make me finish it, and two days after I pushed the submit button, I figured out the crucial scene that hadn't been working. So that is a success.
My historical romance was completed in time for the RWNZ Clendon contest.
I have finished and submitted my longish short story. Currently waiting, and trying not to be too hopeful.
The other longer story I had was also slightly rejigged and sent off a while ago. That's sitting in the back room of memory, as I make myself ignore it's possible success or otherwise.
So that only leaves the scifi novel that I've had in mind for the last year. And I can't keep procrastinating on that much longer. I have bits and pieces of it: two possible beginnings, a synopsis, and bits of the early middle section down in writing. The problem with it is that I haven't quite figured out the scientific basis of the world building. So most of it is happening in my head at the moment. Maybe I should just start writing and see if that helps.
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