I should be writing.
But I keep finding other things to do instead. That's what writer's block really is - writers trying anything to prevent them having to actually write. I know what comes next in my Gorge Creek novel. I just can't seem to find the actual words. What sites can I browse?

Welcome to the blog of Mary Brock Jones, SF author.
I also have a website, here
I write science fiction. Some dark, some not so dark. Some short, some longer, some very long. Some have a happy ending, others definitely not.
I also write NZ historical romance novels.They always end happily, even if the journey can get quite bumpy.
It's a nice mix.
I also have a website, here
I write science fiction. Some dark, some not so dark. Some short, some longer, some very long. Some have a happy ending, others definitely not.
I also write NZ historical romance novels.They always end happily, even if the journey can get quite bumpy.
It's a nice mix.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Just my Luck
The joys of publishing. I finally get a story published, and the webzine site for Semaphore is not responding. Has it crashed, the editor has decided it's all to much and given up on it, or is this just a temporary glitch. Who knows, but can you still call yourself published if the webzine doesn't exist? I choose to. But why would a perfectly good web magazine go under just when I finally get a story into it? It ain't fair, as the eternal cry goes.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Mission accomplished.
It was my day off today. Usually it's Monday, but this week I switched for work reasons. So I had today off, and will have Monday off as well - a 4 day weekend. Bliss. And most importantly, time to go to a cafe and get some more writing done. JK Rowling had it right. There is nothing like a change of location to get the writing wheels whirring again. Three pages later, my characters are back on task, and I can again start to believe I might actually finish this book soon.
Working title at the moment is "Gorge Creek" That is where the crucial action at the end is set. It's a small gully south of Alexandria, where a number of miners perished in a snow storm in August, 1863. And that will be the final challenge for my hero and heroine.
Working title at the moment is "Gorge Creek" That is where the crucial action at the end is set. It's a small gully south of Alexandria, where a number of miners perished in a snow storm in August, 1863. And that will be the final challenge for my hero and heroine.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Writing is taking a very big back seat to other stuff at the moment. I enrolled in another Massey paper this year, on medieval English. the first assignment is looming - end of March is D-Day. So I have been reading for that. But mostly I have been reading 2 new release, paranormal romances. And they are so good!. Alexis Morgan's latest in her Paladin series "Defeat the Darkness" and Nalini Singh's latest in her angel series "Archangel's Kiss" Both are utterly awesome and enthralling to the exclusion of the reading and writing I should be doing.
My characters in my current work in progress (Gorge Creek)seem to have written themselves into a blind alley. I have a sneaking suspicion it will be a very productive blind alley, with a cunning detour out of it. Or maybe that is wishful thinking. It's certainly making my heroine a more interesting person. She has made a major fool of herself, and lost the good will of all the people she had come to depend on, except of course our hero. I think it will help, as it forces the hero to see what it is that makes her tick. But whether it will help her, or the resolution of the story, I have yet to find out. And right now, it will have to wait until that dratted assignment is finished. Why do I do these things to myself?
My characters in my current work in progress (Gorge Creek)seem to have written themselves into a blind alley. I have a sneaking suspicion it will be a very productive blind alley, with a cunning detour out of it. Or maybe that is wishful thinking. It's certainly making my heroine a more interesting person. She has made a major fool of herself, and lost the good will of all the people she had come to depend on, except of course our hero. I think it will help, as it forces the hero to see what it is that makes her tick. But whether it will help her, or the resolution of the story, I have yet to find out. And right now, it will have to wait until that dratted assignment is finished. Why do I do these things to myself?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Hi everyone. Welcome to my brand new blog. Here, I will be posting updates on my writing: the ups and downs, how the writing is going, rejections and (hopefully) publicatons.
What do I write - that depends on what mood I am in or how deeply into a project I am. Currently I am working on my 2nd NZ historical romance novel, set in the gold rush period in Otago, a rugged, remote and very harsh region of the South Island. The first draft of that is nearly finished, and if my main characters would just kindly stop finding new conflicts and ways to prevent themselves getting together, I can hopefully finish it in another chapter.
I also write science fiction - of the not so romantic variety. My short stories lately seem to include a lot of death: suicide, war, mass slaughter and quite a lot of misery. It's why I need the romance writing to balance it all. I have written an SF novel, rather too long for publication at 150,000 words. But it's my very special baby as it was the first full length book I ever wrote. I still think it's wonderful, even if no one wants to publish it ever. That started as an SF romance, but ended up as a political epic. The main characters sort of had a happy ending.
What do I write - that depends on what mood I am in or how deeply into a project I am. Currently I am working on my 2nd NZ historical romance novel, set in the gold rush period in Otago, a rugged, remote and very harsh region of the South Island. The first draft of that is nearly finished, and if my main characters would just kindly stop finding new conflicts and ways to prevent themselves getting together, I can hopefully finish it in another chapter.
I also write science fiction - of the not so romantic variety. My short stories lately seem to include a lot of death: suicide, war, mass slaughter and quite a lot of misery. It's why I need the romance writing to balance it all. I have written an SF novel, rather too long for publication at 150,000 words. But it's my very special baby as it was the first full length book I ever wrote. I still think it's wonderful, even if no one wants to publish it ever. That started as an SF romance, but ended up as a political epic. The main characters sort of had a happy ending.
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